
Improve your Health !

  • Don't Feel Comfortable in a Gym ?
  • Want to do exercises but you can't have your baby looked after?
  • Looking for kindness and motivation through a community of women ?
  • Want to be able to enjoy the benefits of Outdoor sport ?


You are at the right place!



Helping women feel comfortable with their body through the regular practice of physical activity.

FrenchFitLady is a comprehensive and accessible approach designed to help women feel better in both your body and your mind.

Give yourself a time of physical well-being.



  • Outdoor in a park enjoying the natural environment or At your place for specific needs
  • Both in Groups and Individually, the training is adapted to all Ladies and to all levels
  • Several offers for women : Fitness Group Session and Stretch Group Session for all Ladies, Stroller Group Session for all Moms with their babies in a stroller or Personal Training
  • Working out all the body with several types of effort: Core training, strength, cardio...


Let's Get Started!